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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hymn for the Merger of Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church and Conway Presbyterian Church

On Sunday afternoon, I had the joy of attending the service of dedication and merger for the Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church here in Orlando. It was a wonderful occasion, as the former Conway Presbyterian Church and Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church united, as planned, under the Grace Covenant name. Also part of the festivities were many former members of the now closed John Calvin Presbyterian Church, whose building and property had been bought by the school district for the purposes of expansion. So while "officially" this was a merger of two congregations, in many ways it was a merger of three.

I served as the chairperson of the Merger Commission, which began in 2007 and has now concluded its work. This was the second time that I had the responsibility of serving on such a commission of Central Florida Presbytery. The last time, it was for College Park Presbyterian Church. In both of these circumstances, it is fair to say that the gifts and talents of the congregations, when combined, brought new vitality for mission and enthusiasm for ministry.

The service was lovely in every way, with a video showing the history of the three congregations. To symbolize their union, three cords were braided together—one gold, one white and one a deep burgundy. Then our Executive Presbyter spoke, declaring the merger perfected. Afterward there was cake and punch and all could tour the new facilities for the congregation, including a new gym, youth wing, day care center and more.

The concluding hymn is one which I wrote especially for the congregation for this merger celebration. The congregation sang it beautifully, filling the sanctuary with a joyful noise.

Here is the hymn…

Dedication Hymn for Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church
Text: John A. Dalles
Familiar Tune: GOSHEN
Meter: C.M.D.

Come praise the Lord whose living word
Can challenge, cheer and guide us!
Come sense anew what God can do,
With open hearts and hands!
Come sing a new song to the Lord,
Who has done wondrous things!
God’s hand brings might! God’s truth brings light!
Rejoice, give thanks and sing!

Come praise this day, Christ’s holy way,
Of true and trustful living!
Bring memory and constancy,
And joy on this great day!
Friends new, friends dear, now gather here,
Within God’s holy place,
So we may share and we may bear
God’s covenant of grace!

Come praise always God’s constant ways
Of kindness, love and mercy!
Come dedicate and consecrate
Our church, our lives, to God!
For we depend on all God sends
Us by the Spirit’s power;
So we may live and freely give,
To God our best, this hour!

Come praise once more, rejoice, adore,
God’s everlasting presence!
Come strive to be prepared as we
Do what the Lord would do!
Show forth God’s light, with promise bright,
Until Christ’s work is done,
And all shall see, eternally,
In Christ, we are made one!

Copyright © 2009, John A. Dalles
Permission granted to Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church.