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Friday, September 10, 2010

New Wine in Old Wineskins, Volume 2

Hi friends, I thought you would enjoy knowing that my work is included in this anthology. That is the hymn: "May God's Love be Fixed Above You".  It has already appeared in several denominational hymnals, as well as in my book published by GIA: "Swift Currents and Still Waters".
New Wine in Old Wineskins: A Contemporary Congregational Song Supplement, Volume 2, James Abbington, Editor, from GIA Music.
Here is their promotional information about the collection:

"Beginning with an edifying essay by renowned hymn text writer Mary Louise Bringle, New Wine in Old Wineskins, Volume 2 is packed with 76 hymn texts coupled with more familiar hymn tunes, creating a winning combination that provides exciting, new, yet singable, music for worship.

Some of the text writers of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries included in this collection are Thomas Troeger, Timothy Dudley-Smith, Delores Dufner, Adam M. L. Tice, Frank von Christierson, Albert J. Bayly, John A. Dalles, and John Thornburg. As in the previous volume, this collection includes compositions by such pioneering African American composers as Charles H. Nicks, Jr., Stephen F. Key, V. Michael McKay, G. T. Haywood, Glenn Edward Burleigh, Oliver H. Owens, and David Frazier."

You can see more about it at the GIA website.

What a great cover on that book!

Monday, September 6, 2010


I am pleased to announce that one of my hymns has been set as an anthem by Paul A. Tate and can be found  in sheet music form, from GIA of Chicago. You can find it on the GIA website and listen to a preview of it, there.  It has a very Madrigal kind of a sound, and would be a great anthem on Christmas Day, or the Sunday after Christmas...

Paul A. Tate, a graduate of the University of Georgia, is a professional musician living in Sugar Hill, Georgia. As an active workshop presenter and concert performer, Paul has released a dozen recordings and published over 100 original songs and arrangements. His liturgical compositions appear in a number of hymnal resources, and his voice has been heard around the world on Sirius Satellite Radio.