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Friday, November 2, 2012

My Hymn "Praise God For Days Long Past!" Sung as Part of a 250th Anniversary Worship

Anne Fritts of the Schoeneck Moravian Church in Nazareth, PA, sent me the program from their congregation's 250th anniversary worship service and a note of thanks, because they included my hymn "Praise God for Days Long Past!" as part of the celebration.  Above and below are some photos.

I thought I might make some mention of the hymn that they selected...
"Praise God for Days Long Past!" is my 24th of well over 1000 hymn texts that I have written since 1983.  The hymn was written in 1991 for the hymn search for the 100th anniversary of the Lutheran Home in Arlington Heights, Illinois.  It was not chosen by the judges of that search.  The text is based on a passage from II Timothy.

Even though it was not chosen then, the hymn did not get forgotten.

It was published the very next year in the Presbyterian Church (USA)'s 100th anniversary edition of "The Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study".

Thereafter, it was distributed nationally to all PC(USA) congregations by the Presbyterian Historical Society, for the first annual "Presbyterian Heritage Sunday" on May 24, 1992, as the Presbyterian Heritage Sunday Hymn.

For some time I kept track of the requests that came my way for its use, and I see that it was published in the Foothills Presbytery Newsletter, Greenville SC and in the wonderful but no longer in print "Church Worship" magazine in April of 1992.  The hymn has been sung by numerous congregations in at least 13 states and 2 Canadian provinces.

“Praise God for Days Long Past” appears in my next book from Wayne Leupold Editions, called “God is the Singer’s Friend” (2013),  which had its debut at the Hymn Society Annual Conference in Richmond, in July 2013.  The publication of the hymn in that book means that the copyright is owned by Wayne Leupold Editions. If you would like to sing this hymn, please refer to that book.

Up until Schoeneck Moravian Church, I believe the longest / oldest anniversary of a church which it was a part was the Bicentennial celebration of First Presbyterian Church of St. Clairsville, OH on 5/26/98.

But to think... A 250th anniversary (wow!).
I am excited that the hymn that the judges rejected has gone so many other places, and so pleased that it was part of the Shoeneck Moravian's anniversary service—and what an anniversary!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Good News...

I am a pushover for good news. 

I suppose every Christian is, since the Gospel, is--literally--the Good News.  The point being if you run into someone in church settings who is a constant debbie downer or gloomy gus, the likelihood is that they never got the memo about what it is to be a Christian.  I won't say that happens a lot, but if you said it, I would not argue the point.

I can go for weeks and weeks on a bit of good news that comes either expectedly or unexpectedly. My guess is that you can, as well.

Today, I am rejoicing in two pieces of good news having to do with my hymn writing.  One came in the mail and one in the email which to my way of thinking is a nice blend of old and new technology.  Both came from hymn publishers...

The first good news came from Scott Shorney who is the Vice President of Hope Publishing Company, in Chicagoland, which is the largest and leading publisher of hymns in the country--at least that is what I have been told.  The Shorney family are Hope Publishing and vise versa.  Scott is a great fellow and among other things he and his family host the Life Member Dinner at the Annual Meeting of the Hymn Society which is always a joyful evening.

Scott wrote to request permission that one of my hymns may be printed in a preview book that is now underway for the Community of Christ Hymnal (due to be published in 2013).  This will give members of that denomination a chance to sample some of the hymns that will be in the new book.  Of course I said yes.  I was aware that the book was underway and also had received word that some of my hymns would be in it, because of several happy communications from Dale Luffman, who was in my doctor of ministry cohort group at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary back in the mid 1990s.  Dale is one of the leaders of the Community of Christ denomination and when the editors of their new hymnal met with him a year or so ago to show him what had been selected for the new hymnal, he was happily surprised to see the name of an old friend among the names of the authors, and got in touch with me.  Dale and the others who were in our D. Min. group were all from "all over" both geographically and denominational speaking; I was the only person in the group who lived in Pittsburgh.  So every time our group met (in June and January for two years), Judy and I would host a dinner to which all of the others and all our professors and their spouses for that semester were invited, as well as Sam and Doris Calian, the President of the seminary and his wife, who are dear friends.  Good news in the form of a letter and good memories, combined.

The second good news came from Lucy Sullivan who is with Wayne Leupold Editions, another fine publishers of hymns and sacred music.  Wayne Leupold is a human dynamo and an excellent organist and founded this company ...  about a dozen years ago and it has been a real boost to sacred hymn writers.  Lucy is the editor at WLE.  This news came in as I was starting the September Worship Committee meeting.  I happened to hear the computer make that "ding" noise that says a new email came in.  I took a look and lo and behold there was not one, but two emails, from Lucy.  Now, in 2009 WLE published a collection of 62 of my hymns called "We Turn to God" and I had the joy of working with Lucy then.  Since that time they had told me that a second book would be brought out in 2013.  So I had that in the back of my mind but in these matters the publisher always takes the lead and the author follows the steps, if you will permit a dancing metaphor. 

The news in the emails confirmed that Wayne Leupold is indeed planning to make my new book ready in time for the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Hymn Society.

As the evening progressed, in Longwood, FL, we were working on many things having to do with worship in the next several months include Scottish Sunday on September 30th and World Communion Sunday the week after that.  In Colfax NC, Lucy was working (well into the night I might point out) on hymn publishing stuff--and I was on her radar.  So that when my meeting was over, I had several more emails from Lucy one of which was a conversation about the title for the book.  From some months back, we had had a tentative title and then a second working title and both were taken from first lines of hymns that would be in the book, but neither of them had really grabbed either of us.  In one of the emails, Lucy suggested that we turn the first line in one of the proposed title hymns from passive voice (in which it was written) to active voice.

Ta da!  What a wonderful idea.  And not only that, since the number of syllables were exactly the same, Lucy suggested that the active voice version might fit the hymn as well as fit our ideas for the title.  So it was that I went to the text of the hymn to see.  And yes, not only does it fit, but fit beautifully.  I told Lucy she is the hymn writer's angel--which she is.

So we are underway. 

I am thankful to the Lord that these two good news items were in my head when I awakened today.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

When We Waken in the Morning

When We Waken in the Morning
A Retirement Hymn for The Rev. Dr. Paige M. McRight

Text: John A. Dalles, 2012; Suggested Familiar Tune: KELVINGROVE

When we waken in the morning,
Jesus meets us there!
When we sing, the Lord adoring,
Jesus meets us there!
When we hear God’s sacred Word,
When we live all we have heard—
When we waken in the morning,
Jesus meets us there!

When throughout the day we gather,
Jesus meets us there!
When we do His work together,
Jesus meets us there!
When our workmanship is fine,
When it’s for the Lord of time—
When throughout the day we gather,
Jesus meets us there!

When we share Christ’s cup of blessing,
Jesus meets us there!
When our goal is praise unceasing,
Jesus meets us there!
When we offer heart and mind,
When our goal is good and kind—
When we share Christ’s cup of blessing,
Jesus meets us there!

Alleluia!  Alleluia!
Jesus meets us there!
Alleluia!  Alleluia!
Jesus meets us there!
When we venture far or near,
It is Christ’s “Well done!” we’ll hear!
Alleluia!  Alleluia!
Jesus meets us there!

Copyright © John A. Dalles, 2012.  
Permission granted to Paige M. McRight.

Background and Update as of 2024:
This hymn was written for the retirement worship service honoring The Dr. Dr. Paige McRight, as Executive Presbyter of Central Florida Presbytery.  Paige did a great job of overseen the work of the Presbytery and caring for the churches and ministers who belonged to the Presbytery.  She also helped to guide the Presbytery through some very challenging times, as there was a movement afoot nationally for congregations to both lobby for changes that were not Presbyterian in nature, and to leave the denomination by "taking the money and run" as well as the property, which in fact was not theirs to take.  It made life for the many faithful Presbyterians among us - myself included - pretty frustrating at times, because it got in the way of being the church and doing the work of Christ.  As I say, Paige was quite good at dealing with these nearly impossible messy situations.  Since retirement, she has been working every bit as hard as an interim pastor, and in work for the denotation, as well as writing for publication.  As they say, ministers don't retire, they just go out to pastor.  

This hymn is one of my favorites, and owes that in large measure to the wonderful tune it is set to, which of course was in my head as I wrote it.  I created it so that it consul be used in situations other than retirement, in deed, it is a good Morning Hymn for many worship occasions.  Give it a try; I am sure your congregation will enjoy singing it.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Tread the Trails of Glory

Tread the Trails of Glory

Text: John A. Dalles, May 18, 2012
Meter: 6565D with refrain

Tread the trails of glory,
Serving Christ the king;
Step by step in daily living,
Loudest praises bring!
Joining in the journey,
Walking in Christ’s way
In the presence of the Savior,
Through the day!

Tread the trails of glory,
Serving Christ the king;
Step by step in daily living,
Loudest praises bring!

Jesus calls disciples
To become His friends,
In the company of caring,
So Jesus sends.
Onward through the ages,
Outward to the world,
Filled with confidence and joy, now
Serve the Living Lord!

Sisters, will you join us?
Brothers, shall you share?
Friends, delight in reaching others,
Here and everywhere!
Bring the gifts and talents
God has given you—
As you give them, Christ will use them;
See what Christ can do!

Copyright © 2024, John A. Dalles

All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Permission granted for one-time use in worship with proper copyright information as shown above. Please do send me one copy of your bulletin if you use the hymn.

Please note also that this text is not strictly 6565D with refrain, but that is the meter designation for the old Welsh tune RACHIE, and if you listen to it, by clicking on the tune name, you will find that the words match the notes in the tune effectively.

Living Lord, of Grace and Blessing

Living Lord, of Grace and Blessing
Text: John A. Dalles, May 18, 2012
Meter: 8787D

Living Lord, of grace and blessing,
You have called us as your own,
Given us your word unceasing,
Loving kindness, you have shown!
May our hearts rejoice in caring
For the ones you make and tend;
May our hands reach out in sharing,
And encouraging each friend!

Living Lord, so strong and soothing,
Grant your mercy, balm and care—
Healing, guiding, helping, doing
Loving kindness, everywhere!
We would set aside distraction
Concentrate on doing good,
May we be your church in action,
Serving daily as we should!

Living Lord, death could not keep you
From the rising from the grave,
Faithful people ever seek you
For you free and bless and save.
Make us more alert in doing
All you say, with joy and grace;
May our lives be spent pursuing
Righteousness in all our days!

Living Lord, each morn we seek you,
And your guidance we would take;
Ever-blessed because you speak to
Every prayer and plea we make.
God who made and knows us wholly,
Christ who is our saving friend,
Spirit sent to make us holy:
We will praise you, without end!

Copyright © 2024, John A. Dalles
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Permission granted for one-time use in worship with proper copyright information as shown above. Please do send me one copy of your bulletin if you use the hymn.

Down the Ages

Down the Ages
A hymn of the ongoing work of Christ - For All Saints Sunday

Text: John A. Dalles, May 18, 2012
Meter: 878787

Down the ages, saints have offered
Endless praises, wise and well.
Sharing wonders of the Gospel,
As they worked, good news to tell—
Living in the light of Jesus,
Down the ages, to this day!

Since the day when Jesus called them
As God’s word inflamed their soul
And the ways of faith enthralled them
Saints still seek the kingdom’s goal—
Living in the light of Jesus,
Down the ages, to this day!

Come and cast off vain ambition,
Clothe yourselves in love and grace,
Serving Christ, your only mission,
As God sets the time and place!
Living in the light of Jesus,
Down the ages, to this day!

Humble servants, scholars, poets,
Teachers, preachers, all who care,
Friends who love the Lord and show it,
Taking Jesus everywhere.
Living in the light of Jesus,
Down the ages, to this day!

See them in one great procession,
One in Christ and one in faith,
Praising, serving, in succession,
Christ the Living Lord of grace!
Living in the light of Jesus,
Down the ages, to this day!
Copyright © 2024, John A. Dalles
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Permission granted for one-time use in worship with proper copyright information as shown above. Please do send me one copy of your bulletin if you use the hymn.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

If We Go Where Jesus Leads Us

If We Go Where Jesus Leads Us
A hymn of discipleship

Text: John A. Dalles, May 17, 2012
Meter: 8787D

If we go where Jesus leads us,
He reveals a better plan,
For the route to gallant highlands,
Calls our faith to understand!
Call the Lord, at morn or midnight,
Call the Lord, throughout the day,
Call the Lord, at noon and twilight,
Call the Lord, to lead the way!

Call the Lord and learn the reason,
Why the peaceful lilies grow,
From the ground they spring in season,
Bloom and bless Christ by their glow!
Call the Lord, at morn or midnight,
Call the Lord, throughout the day,
Call the Lord, at noon and twilight,
Call the Lord, to lead the way!

And may all who trust in Jesus,
From old lifelessness move toward,
What reveals our worth and names us,
As the ones who call the Lord!
Call the Lord, at morn or midnight,
Call the Lord, throughout the day,
Call the Lord, at noon and twilight,
Call the Lord, to lead the way!

Call the Lord and learn the reason,
Why the smallest sparrows fly
From the fledgling nest, in season,
Tiny feathers win the sky!
Call the Lord, at morn or midnight,
Call the Lord, throughout the day,
Call the Lord, at noon and twilight,
Call the Lord, to lead the way!

Call the Lord and learn the reason,
Why the saddest heart shall sing,
From the love that grows, in season,
Joy shall come and earth will ring!
Call the Lord, at morn or midnight,
Call the Lord, throughout the day,
Call the Lord, at noon and twilight,
Call the Lord, to lead the way!

If we seek the slightest blessing,
Bless all those, this day, we meet,
Show God’s kindliness unceasing:
It is Christ himself we greet!
Call the Lord, at morn or midnight,
Call the Lord, throughout the day,
Call the Lord, at noon and twilight,
Call the Lord, to lead the way!

Copyright © 2024, John A. Dalles
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Permission granted for one-time use in worship with proper copyright information as shown above. Please do send me one copy of your bulletin if you use the hymn.

Great God, We Hear You Call

Great God, We Hear You Call
 Text: John A. Dalles, May 17, 2012
Meter:  CM (6686) with refrain
Great God, we hear you call,
From hearth and home we come,
O make us your disciples, all—
To worship you as one!
God, we worship you!
Christ, your love is true!
Spirit, guiding all we do!
Great God, we hear you call!
Each gift you gave, we bring!
Each heart you formed, we give!
Each angel hymn you wrote, we sing!
Each life made new, we live!
God, we worship you!
Christ, your love is true!
Spirit, guiding all we do!
Great God, we hear you call!
As from the world we came,
So to the world we go,
Our goal, to share Christ’s holy name,
Your grace and peace to show!
God, we worship you!
Christ, your love is true!
Spirit, guiding all we do!
Great God, we hear you call!

To justly live, we pray,
To kindly speak your word,
To humbly walk with you this day,
To do as we have heard!
God, we worship you!
Christ, your love is true!
Spirit, guiding all we do!
Great God, we hear you call!

Copyright © 2024, John A. Dalles
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Permission granted for one-time use in worship with proper copyright information as shown above. Please do send me one copy of your bulletin if you use the hymn.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Called to be God's Faithful

II Corinthians 4:16

Text: John A. Dalles, May 3, 2012
Meter: 6565
“ Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.    For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.    So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Called to be God’s faithful,
Welcomed as Christ’s friend,
In God’s Spirit, joyful,
Serving to the end!

We are not discouraged,
Never shall we fear,
We see what the Lord sees,
And the Lord is here.

Some trust force and conquest,
Others, wealth and fame;
These are truly worthless,
Without Jesus' name!

Foes though real, are fleeting,
Troubles soon shall fade,
Trust in Jesus’ leading,
Never be afraid!

Still, the world is turning,
So all time shall turn,
Unto God for learning,
When Christ shall return!

The first stanza may be sung as the final stanza.

Copyright © 2024, John A. Dalles

All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Permission granted for one-time use in worship with proper copyright information as shown above. Please do send me one copy of your bulletin if you use the hymn.