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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

Blessed are the Poor in Spirit
The Beatitudes - Matthew 5:1-12

Text: John A. Dalles
Meter: 8787D

Blessed are the poor in spirit,
For the realm of God is theirs!
They, God’s kingdom shall inherit;
All in Christ are named His heirs!
Blessed are the ones in mourning,
They, God’s comfort shall be given;
Their dark night shall turn to dawning,
And the golden joys of heaven!

Blessed are the meek, the lowly,
They are heirs to all the earth;
They shall rule creation’s glory,
Lead all lands with lasting worth!
Blessed are the ones who hunger,
And who thirst for righteousness,
God shall fill them with provender,
Evermore their needs address!

Blessed are the kind and gentle,
God’s great mercy they shall know;
As their mercy was their mantle,
So it shall be made their throne!
Blessed are the single-minded,
Those sincere and pure in heart,
For they shall see God Almighty,
Nevermore from God to part!

Blessed are the peace-inspired,
Ones who work for God’s shalom,
For they shall be called God’s children,
And with God shall make their home!
Blessed are the ones mistreated,
For the sake of righteousness,
Their great joy shall be completed,
in God’s kingdom, ever blessed!

Blest are you when they revile you,
Slander you, harass, maltreat.
Yet, be hopeful all the while, you,
For God’s recompense await!.
So rejoice, for great in heaven,
Is your full and fine reward,
Then rejoice! For you are given,
Joy eternal from the Lord!

Copyright © 2010, John A. Dalles

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