Yesterday I received a Christmas present (let's see, "On the third day of Christmas, my publisher sent to me..."). It is their newest hymn collection: "Selah Songs of Rejoicing" and includes a hymn I wrote some years ago, called "Vain Our Lives and Small Our Strivings" based on a passage from Ecclesiastes.
There are 267 selections altogether, and among the authors and composers you will find familiar names such as: Mary Louise Bringle, Margaret Clarkson, Carl Daw, Ruth Duck, Timothy Dudley-Smith. Sylvia Dunstan, Rusty Edwards, A Fedak, Fred Pratt Green, Gracia Grindal, Roy Hopp, Hal Hopson, Richard Leach, Jane Marshall, Alice Parker, Joy Patterson, Richard Proulx, James Quinn, William Rowan, Thomas Troeger, Rae Whitney, and Brian Wren.
It is quite a collection!