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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hymn Commission Information

Hymn Commission Information

I am accepting commissions for new hymn texts or anthem lyrics on a particular theme, or for a special occasion.
Selected Completed Commissions 

"O Celebrate God's Love!" Commissioned for the ecumenical committee for the celebration of the city of Lancaster PA, 250th anniversary.

"Faith is Our Heritage!" Peachtree PC Atlanta; 75th anniversary hymn

"Welcome God With Joyful Singing" Commissioned by Gwendolyn Jensen, the President of Wilson college in memory of Debra Bowen.

“You Know the Way” AKA “O Troubled Heart” written for Glenn Rudolph as the text for his work commissioned by David Billings at Parkwood Presbyterian Church.

"We Look Outward, God of Blessings!" Commissioned by Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in honor of the Rev. Dr. Carnegie Samuel Calian, President of the Seminary, on the occasion of his retirement.

"Draw Near in Peace" Music by Glenn Rudolph; a commission for Worthington (OH) Presbyterian Church.

“God May Your Presence Here” in honor of Don Wilkins on the occasion of his retirement as organist and choral director at Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh.

“O Praise the Lord! O Praise the Lord!” with original tune by Bill Rhoads; commissioned by Highland Presbyterian Church in Lancaster PA for their anniversary.

“God Calls the Church to Endless Song” a hymn in honor of the ministry of music of Sharon Miller

“We Sing of Hampton” a hymn for the 2005 bicentennial of Hampton Presbyterian Church in Gibsonia, Pennsylvania.

Why Commission a Hymn?

• To celebrate an important anniversary or other significant event in the life of a congregation

• To honor or remember the contributions of particular individuals

• To mark a significant point in the faith journey

• To provide a new text for a treasured familiar tune

• To give voice to concerns not yet addressed within available hymns

For more information, please contact me.

Commissioned hymn text fees vary, depending on length.
I retain the copyright but give permission to the commissioning church in perpetuity. 

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