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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Lord, Because You Have Made Us

A hymn after a prayer by Anselm (1033-1109)

Text: John A. Dalles, March 10, 2012
Meter: 8888

Lord, because you have made us,
We owe you the whole of our love;
Lord, because you redeemed us,
We owe you the whole of ourselves!

Lord, because of your promise dear,
We owe you our entire being;
Lord, because of your vision clear,
We owe you our entire seeing.

We owe you much more than our self,
You are far greater than we are,
Lord you have given us yourself:
Lord you are ours, and yours we are!

We pray that we may taste by love,
All that we know from knowledge true;
Place our devotion far above,
All else that we might think or do!

So, draw us closer to you, Lord,
Wrapped in the fullness of your grace;
Grant us to dwell within your word,
And flourish there, in love’s embrace!

Copyright © 2024, John A. Dalles

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