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Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Fields are Ripe with Grain

A Hymn for Harvest Time

Text: John A. Dalles, May 3, 2012
Meter: S.M. 6686

The fields are ripe with grain,
The vines, are bending low,
The harvest time has come again,
Into God’s fields, we go!

We labor not for praise—
Nor pressure from the world;
We simply offer all our days,
Unto the Living Lord!

We work from dawn to dusk;
We do the best we can.
For Christ has given us the task,
To work with heart and hand!

In confidence and grace,
We calmly carry on,
Till we shall hear the Savior’s praise,
“Well done, my friend, well done!”

Copyright © 2024, John A. Dalles
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Permission granted for one-time use in worship with proper copyright information as shown above. Please do send me one copy of your bulletin if you use the hymn.

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