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Sunday, December 17, 2023

Hymn for First Presbyterian Church of Youngstown, New York

Hymn for First Presbyterian Church of Youngstown, New York

I am delighted  to announce that I recently completed a hymn for the First Presbyterian Church of Youngstown New York.  The church is celebrating its 200th anniversary this year. Here is how the writing of the hymn happened:

I first talked about it with the church's minister, the Rev Robert (Bob) Hagel. Thereafter, I worked in conjunction with Paige Hardison, who is the church's Director of Music, Chancel Choir, and Bells.  Paige consulted with their church organist and I began work on their hymn, set to a familiar tune. When it was ready, I sent it to Paige.  The hymn title being:  “We Know Some Names” which was approved in mid November 2023.

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