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Saturday, April 21, 2007

Above the Sleeping, Silent Hills!

Above the Sleeping, Silent Hills!

Text: John A. Dalles, December 16, 2005
Meter: LM (

Above the sleeping, silent hills,
Where shepherds tended flocks by night,
An angel of the Lord appeared,
Dazzlingly brilliant, rapt in light!

Wonderful news, the shepherds heard,
Heralding Christ the Savior’s birth:
Glory to God in heaven, adored!
Peace and goodwill to all on earth!

Gloria! Glory! Gloria!
Hear what the host of angels sang!
Gloria! Glory! Gloria!
Earth trembled as the heavens rang!

Those who first heard, received the news,
Hurried to Bethlehem to find,
The infant Jesus in the mews,
With Joseph and His Mother, kind!

Kneeling, they worshiped reverently,
Humble and hopeful, poor and plain!
Grant that our praise like theirs may be,
Modest and eager, yet again!

Gloria! Glory! Gloria!
Now with the angels, may we sing!
Gloria! Glory! Gloria!
Tremble, O earth! O heavens, ring!

Copyright © 2024, John A. Dalles
Permission granted for one time use in worship, as noted above.
Please let me know if you use this hymn text.

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